Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rossy!

Today is my little brother Eric's 21st birthday! For as long as I can remember I have called him "Rossy", but I haven't the slightest idea where that nickname came from?! I just know that it's caused much embarrassment for him over the years when I would refer to him by that name in front of friends or while cheering him on at a football game or something (or posting it on a blog for the world to see). :)

Anyway, in honor of his b-day, I just have to share why I think he's great. He's the kind of person that everyone likes and wants to be around. He's funny, smart and a very hard worker (which would explain the 4.0 GPA he's maintaining in Mizzou's accounting program right now?!). He's a great uncle to Ben and an awesome little brother. He always makes me feel loved when I see him, usually with one of his hugs. :) Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of times over the years when he drove me nuts (little brothers seem to have a real knack for this) and for awhile I wondered if he would ever "grow up"...but when I look at him today, I am just so proud of the person he has become/is becoming. He's just a really good kid who strives to live his life for Christ...and that is what impresses me the most about him. :)

Happy Birthday, little brother! I hope you have a great day! Love you!


Anonymous said...

Great post, Ali! Dad and I wish Eric a happy, happy birthday, too! We're happy he came into our life 21 years ago--he's certainly made life much more exciting than we'd have ever dreamed!!

the deKorne family said...

yis he the one who was just 12 and running to the midnight buffet with me?? time flies!

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot for the post Ali. You defintely know how to make someone feel good on their birthday. Thanks alot for all you guys do. I love you guys and I'll look forward to seeing you in Illinois!

Anonymous said...

Eric i hope you see this even though it is on ali's blog, happy 21st, look forward to seeing you this weekend at the wedding.

Jim, Abby, Jacob, and Bryce Stewart said...

Hey guys -
I just realized who you named your son after... Dalrymple will be very happy when he finds out! He just got back from his third tour in Iraq, so he needs some good news... What a good looking little man you have. He takes after his mother 100%. Tell Mike I have some good pics of him from our trip to Europe if he wants them. Take care-