Thursday, April 10, 2008

Funny things Ben says...

- I had made him a new meal to try for dinner one night (for those of you who don't know this, he is not the best eater) and his response to me asking him to try a bite was..."Mommy, this is disgusting. This belongs in the trash. Put it in the trash." Gee thanks, Ben!

- After eating supper one evening recently, I asked him to get down out of his booster seat and come upstairs for his bath. He told me he didn't want to come upstairs because it was "too crowded up there." Huh? :)

- I came home from work one evening and one of Ben's little lawn chairs was sitting up on the couch cushion. I asked him if he had been sitting in his lawn chair on the couch and he said..."No, there is no stability." No stability?!

- He told me one day that we couldn't watch the TV in our basement because it was "too complicated" to turn on.

- We were snuggling in the chair in our living room and he turned to me and said "Mommy, are you comfortable?"

- I had made him a sandwich from a recipe I'd found in a new cookbook. He was throwing a major fit about trying a bite. He told me he didn't want to eat the sandwich because it "will make me drowsy!"

- At Christmas, Ben was playing cars with my mom and she made a tunnel for the cars to go through. He said to her "Grammy, are there ghosts in the tunnel?" She said, "I don't know Ben. What are ghosts?" I guess she wanted to see what he would say. He told her "ghosts are figments of our imagination."

- One of our typical family outings on a weekend night will be to Barnes and Noble to hang out in the kids section, look at books and play with the Thomas the Tank Engine train table. Ben was playing with another little girl at the train table and she picked up a train and apparently called it by the wrong name (all of the Thomas trains have specific names). Ben walked up to her and in a really nice, sweet voice said..."That's not _____, that's Devious Diesel, honey."

The list goes on.... more to come, I'm sure! :) For those of you who don't know, Mike and I both work, so since Ben was three months old Mike's grandparents (his mom's mom, dad's parents, and mom's mom's twin sister and her husband - confused yet?) have each taken a day of the week and driven down to our house to watch Ben for us. They love him and he loves them! He has had one-on-one attention every day and I think it's really boosted his vocabulary (we are very lucky, I know!). He pays so much attention to detail and what people say. He picks up on EVERYTHING! I just laugh when one of these funny comments comes out of his little mouth. I love this talkative age and his sponge of a brain!


Abby said...

What about the boys who were "disturbing" him? :)

Abby said...

Too hilarious! I was just sitting in bed reading these and had to read them to Kyle so he'd know what I was giggling about :)

April Gann said...

Okay, you might win over Abby for having the most interesting blog! I love the quotes!