Friday, April 18, 2008

Funny comments Ben made this week....

- Ben and I were out on the deck one night this week and he was playing with his police car and lawn mower. I wasn't paying that close of attention to him, but I looked over just as he was crashing his mower into the police car sending it flying and tumbling across the deck. He went over and picked it up and said in a matter of fact voice... "This police car is out of commission!"

- My father-in-law watches Ben every Friday. Today he called my mother-in-law at work to tell her that he took Ben to a local ice cream shop and they sat on the wall outside and shared an ice cream. My father-in-law told Ben it was time to go and Ben said..."No, I just want to sit here and watch the cars go by." Then he looked across the street at a tulip tree and told my father-in-law it was "gorgeous." :)

- Last night when I was putting Ben to bed, the moon was shining through the blinds onto the carpet in his bedroom. He was so fascinated with it and kept asking me about the moon and the stars and the design the light was making on the floor. This morning I walked into his room because I heard him talking and the first thing he said to me was... "Mom, I didn't get out of bed last night and bother the moon shadow." Apparently he was really worried that he might disturb the "moon shadow" if he climbed out of bed??

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