Thursday, May 29, 2008

My other job...

I spend 30 hours every week at work (well, the work that I actually get a paycheck for!), so I thought it might be nice to post something about my good ol' employer. I've worked for Westfield Group (an insurance company) since I graduated from Taylor University in 2001 (Mike's mom works here too!). I can't believe I'll have been with the company seven years at the end of June! For the past four years I've worked in our Human Resources department in various roles, but currently I'm a Performance and Development Specialist.

Some of the things I get to do ...

- Manage a leadership development program for high potential employees
- Meet with employees to assist them in planning their careers or to help them determine how they can develop themselves
- Deliver 360 feedback and personality assessments
- Facilitate team development (helping teams within the organization improve their performance and work more effectively together)
- Administer and manage our education reimbursement program for employees who are going back to school

It's been a great place to work and has been really accommodating in terms of flexible work arrangements and helping me keep a balance between work and LIFE! When Ben was born I started working four, ten hour days, so I was able to spend one extra day a week with him. I moved to a part-time schedule in March of this year (three, ten hour days) and have really been loving having another day at home with my buddy! It's so nice to be home with him more days than I'm away from him in a given week.

Anyway, the grounds and facilities at Westfield are pretty amazing, so I thought I'd post a few pictures of what I drive up to every week. These are actually older pictures and the landscaping, if you can believe it, has improved since these were taken. We have a great cafeteria on site, workout facility, two golf courses (to entertain our agents), an Inn, a training facility, a technology center, and a bank. Oh, and I can't forget the gift shop/bakery where you can get Starbucks coffee, order dinner to go for your family, get your dry cleaning done, buy a card or gift for a friend, or purchase any kind of yummy baked good you could imagine! It's like a college campus...or some kind of utopia!

But, with all that being said, I gotta be honest, I'm still glad that I'm at home more than I'm at work....being Ben's mommy is so much more rewarding than any career!


Anonymous said...

hmm, funny that Ali is now drinking that "Westfield kool aide" just like her mother in law. It is a great place to work even though we get frustrated sometimes. It is indeed beautiful and much nicer than "State Farm" (this is for Al's benefit) :))

ZFam said...

Wow! That place looks amazing! And, that's so nice that they accomodate you so that you can work as needed and what YOU want to do!

Anonymous said...

How cool Ali! I can't imagine working at a place that pretty! And, I meant to reply about the cake you made ... I'm very impressed. Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali,
This is your old friend Katie (now Hobson/used to be Bourke) from Normal! Beth Weber was chatting with me at school the other day and said I HAD to check out your blog and watch all of Ben's funny antics. I have been sitting here for over an hour watching his adorable vidoes and cracking up at his huge vocabulary and imagination! What a cutie pie! My little guy, Holden, is 14 months now. His vocabulary consists of "NO" (his favorite of course!) "Hi," and "Kees" (which means kitties, since we have two cats) I just can't wait until he is telling me what's on his mind. (And of course everyone tells me to watch out when he does!) Anyway, just wanted to say hello and tell you I just fell in love with your 3 year old! =o)