Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wild woman...

I need help! What do I do with this crazy girl of mine? You know that poem about a girl with a curl and how when she's good, she's very good and when she's bad, she's horrid. I think that's Nattie. I have one big fear in life...that something bad would happen to one of my three kids...or even worse than that, that something bad would happen to one of my three kids and I COULD have prevented it. Well, today, I feel like I came a little too close to realizing this fear...and I bet you can guess who was involved in this drama...yes...Nattie!

Andy's crib is in our room (since we don't have a fourth bedroom)...I fed him and laid him down for a nap this morning and I snuggled Nattie in our bed (and locked our bedroom door). I put on an Elmo movie for her, since I was planning to take a quick shower before Ben got out of pre-K (this routine has taken place many times over the last four weeks...by the way). I jumped in the shower and figured everything would be fine, as always (aside from the fact that Nattie usually gets down off the bed and empties a few of my dresser drawers for fun). :) Uh...not today! I got out of the shower and opened the bathroom door to make sure everything was ok. I didn't see or hear Nattie....weird. I looked around for a second and THEN I SAW HER...she was sitting quietly next to Andy IN THE CRIB. She had somehow managed to climb up into the crib and had even pulled in several extra blankets along with her. I panicked and ran across the room hoping Andy was not buried under blankets and praying that he was still breathing!! I have NO IDEA if she stepped/jumped/landed on him or what, but he was sound asleep, looked perfectly fine, and didn't even seem to notice that she was there. She was gently rubbing his head and smiling at me like it was a good idea or something. She loves him so much, but, as you can imagine, she is still learning what it means to be gentle. I am so lucky she didn't put blankets over his head or break one of his bones or try to pick him up out of the crib (the list of possibilities could go on and on!). Thank the Lord that nothing terrible happened because I would NEVER forgive myself...ever!

Anyway, after everything seemed to be ok, I had to do what every mother would do...snap a photo (ok...maybe not EVERY mother, but the camera just happened to be in my bedroom!). I then promptly removed Natalie and raised the crib rail! What am I going to do with her? (P.S. Please don't report me to child protective services...I promise Andy doesn't sleep in a crib filled with children and blankets...at least not intentionally and I won't be taking anymore showers...ever.)
On a much lighter note...I thought this picture was REALLY cute. A rare moment when Ben actaully smiles normal and is willing to sit still long enough to hold Andy. :)
Trying to put on Ben's football jersey tonight. Crazy woman...
Ben took these pictures of me and Andy this afternoon. Andy is getting so BIG already. He will be a month this week...whoa! He is such a good boy and has given us his first smiles the last few days. I am definitely in love with my littlest man.


Carrie said...

ali ... i'm sure you about had a heart attack!! glad everything was okay and i'm sure you aren't the first mom to deal with this! :)

beth said...

breath in now breath out, that little advice will come in handy many more times ahead. great pics. kisses to all.

the deKorne family said...

oh my gosh that made me laugh so hard. i feel like things like that happen a million times a day. like when kaiya said today-look mom, reese is like the horse at meijer, and was on top of her. what can you do. :) pray for protection! that's how i justify the fact that i never shower. :) GREAT pic of benny and andy. love it! and of you, too. you are pretty. xoxo! and don't let andy get too much bigger, ok?!

Katie said...

Ahhh!! My heart was pounding just reading it! I have had a few instances like this of my own; I think it's a rite of passage for a mommy of more than one. Maybe that is why God is letting him get big so quickly; so he has some padding?? :) I still remember when Holden dropped his toy (but still hard and heavy!) bowling ball on Hunter's head when he was about Andy's age. Yikes! Your kids are so cute.

Abby said...

Oh my gosh, I would have had a heart attack. But, this is probably just the first of many crazy times you'll have with these two youngest...Ben was old enough to know better when Nattie was born, but she's still little. They'll figure it out and so will you...maybe you could take a shower with Nattie? I know you like your privacy, but might be worth the peace of mind. :) Love you and CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THOSE BABIES!

Molly Wilkey said...

My mom talks about a similar story where she decided to take a shower, put little baby Leslie in the play pen, and she came back from the shower and Hayley and I were in the play pen with her. She decided that it would be a better idea to put the Christmas tree in the play pen rather than Leslie in the future. Hope you can find a way to not give up showers all together!

Matt and Abby said...

I know what you can do with your crazy girl...send her to my house and let our girls be crazy together! They sound one and the same!

MP said...

oh my goodness that story is definitely one for the books. she is a crazy girl. I love the picture though. She just wanted to chill with her brother in the crib! :)

The Samsons said...

That is crazy! I'm so glad he's okay!! Definitely happening here too, like yesterday when Sophie rolls up the doll stroller next to Lily and proceeds to bend down to pick her up and put her in it. i caught her just in time. I say some prayers for a little extra of God's grace for those youngest siblings couldn't hurt :)

Adam, Jenny, Emma, and Audrey said...

You need to by a crib tent like we have and put that on Andy's crib. It is meant to keep kids in or animals out but I am sure it would also work for older sisters too! Glad everyone is safe! Do you think you can squeeze in a shower before we visit in November?!

Jackie said...

Yikes! I'm glad Andy slept through it and was okay! Ava and Elise have each climbed in bed with Lana too (but they should be old enough to know better!!). I have resorted to putting Lana's bouncy seat in the bathroom. She often gets locked in the bathroom with me when I take a shower. Or you could just go with your plan of no showering!