Friday, September 3, 2010

The Greats...

Over the last several days the great-grandparents have come down to meet baby Andy and hang out with our kiddos. Andy is blessed, like Ben and Nattie, to have LOTS of "old people" to love him (don't worry...they aren't offended...they refer to themselves as "the old people"). :) We wish we lived close enough to stop by and visit my grandparents too!
Angy and Pappy
Just a few random shots from today...Nattie was in desperate need of a nap, but wouldn't let anyone but me put her to sleep. I was busy with Andy, so she joined me in the rocking chair and fell fast asleep on my lap. It really is heaven snuggling with two sleeping babies. :)


beth said...

oh my word, andy is so cute and who is that 3 yr old girl with him, jk i can't believe how big nat looks next to him. you are amazing all the posts you have done already. love them.

Katie said...

How special that they have so many "greats" in their lives! I agree with Beth; Natalie looks HUGE all of a sudden! What a sweet picture of the two babies in your lap. Andy is just precious. Hunter had that little blue sleeper with the monkeys and it gave my heart a pang to realize how big he is getting.

Anonymous said...

He certainly is a cutie--love the alert shot in the monkey j's! Sure your house is busy--and sure you are dead tired--can't believe you have time to take photos and post but am glad you do! Love to all.

Diane said...

Forgot to enter my name, Ali--didn't mean to be anonymous!

the deKorne family said...

so cute. i love his little face!!!! that is really neat that they have so many greats...blessed babies!