Monday, September 13, 2010

Take another picture...

with the click, click, click, click, camera. What? You haven't heard that one? It's a song on my iPod...not even sure who sings it...but it's catchy and gets stuck in my head. Anyway, it's a good title for this post that is chock FULL of pictures....more than normal, if that's possible.

I realized we didn't have ONE picture of all five of us together we tried. Not the greatest attempt, but it'll have to do. :)
Daddy and Andy watching the Ohio State game...Go Bucks!
A morning picture...I know I look kind of scary and extremely tired...but at least my kids are cute, right?
Cute brothers...
Grammy and her Moser grandkids...I'm sure the Schweiss grandkids are missing her by now...but we've got her for another week. Don't worry, Emma, Grammy is coming back and she got you a cool present today. :)
My sweet little girl (at least she looks sweet in this picture...I'd say fiesty is a better description of our middle munchkin!).
A Nattie photo that little face.
Finally, we got out of the house yesterday...yipppeee for me! We headed to Szalay's and ate some roasted corn. It actually felt a little like nice to get out!


the deKorne family said...

i think i hate you for how cute and skinny you look. at least i would if i didn't love you so much. the picture of you in the t-shirt is gorgeous of you, too. that's good old ali-looking like a movie star in fireman shirts. and those are AWESOME pics of nattie! she is beautiful, too :) seeing your munchkins and glad you got out of the house!! xoxo!

Katie said...

Uh, that is not a scary picture. You always look beautiful. And, can i say, I love that picture of Nattie in the grass. Lovely. It looks like she has some auburn in her hair. I've never noticed that before.

Adam, Jenny, Emma, and Audrey said...

We are missing Grammy very much but it looks like she is having some fun times with you so that makes us happy! Is she eating cake batter in that one picture?! Every time I see Andy's little face I see Ben as a baby. So far, I think they look identical as infants! The picture of Nattie in the grass is cute too. And could you stop posting such "scary" pictures of yourself?!! You look pretty as always but you should get some rest before you send Grammy home. We love you guys!

Katie said...

Love your last three posts! Thanks for all the baby pics to drool over. I am sure it felt great to "break out" of the house! I remember that feeling!! I rejoiced if I even got to run to get gas and grab grocery items when Jay got home from work. :) The one of Ben and Natalie kissing their baby brother is precious! And I wish I had the nerve to post a scary picture to show you what scary really looks like! How do you look so good post-baby, in a tee-shirt, sans makeup?!

Abby said...

Cuteness abounds in the Moser household! Love seeing all your adorable faces (and I have to second Heidi's comment about the fireman shirts). Are you redecorating Nat's room? I see a cute owl above Pooh stripes...

Love you, so glad you got out for a bit! I told Nate the other night that when you say you need to get out, you probably mean WITH your family...whereas when I need to get out, I mean AWAY from my family. I think that statement alone makes you a better mom. :)