Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Pappy! (and some other stuff)

Mike and I got to go out on a date (kind of) on Friday night. My mom was still in town and stayed home with Ben and Nattie, while we went out on the town with Andy. :) It was heavenly and quiet. We ate Mexican, got Starbucks, and walked around the mall for a couple of hours. As you can tell from the photo below, we like to get really dressed up when we go out.
Here's Grammy (also known as "Gangy" according to Nat), Ben and Nattie doing a little art at the kitchen counter. It was so great to have my mom here for the last two weeks. She bought us groceries, cooked dinner every night, did the laundry, cleaned the house, entertained my kids, let me sleep in while she got breakfast ready, ironed about 25 shirts that had been sitting on top of my dryer for, literally, months, made curtains for Nattie's room, and the list goes on! She was like Superwoman or something! Mom, thank you so much for everything you did. You made my recovery and the transition to three kiddos much easier! We love you and really appreciate you!

My little buddy...three weeks old today!

Yesterday, we celebrated Pappy's 8oth birthday! Paps has Parkinsons and has his good moments and bad moments throughout each day, but yesterday he seemed to be doing wonderfully and really enjoying all the fun. He had sisters in from West Virgina, friends from church, and of course, his Ohio family at his party. I hope he felt loved.

Here 's the happy couple...Paps and Angy. Angy is a wonderful example of a loving sickness and in health. She takes such good care of him and loves him unconditionally.

Pappy with his grandkids and great-grandkids!
Ben and Papa having a cake eating contest! About three bites into his piece of chocolate cake, Benny started to make a funny face and rub his belly...he said "Ooohhhh, I think I've had enough sweets today!" and that was it...the contest was over. :) It was fun while it lasted, but lets face it...Ben will NEVER win an eating competition. :)
Just a few other random party pictures...
Here's to many more happy birthdays, Pappy!


Grammy aka "Gangy" said...

You're very welcome, Ali! I already miss my sweetie-pies and can't wait to see you all again at Thanksgiving. Hope everything goes well this week!

the deKorne family said...

Your mama is a rockstar! So happy you had her. Wish I could hire her for myself. :) You look amazing...glad you got to go on a date. We've had many a date night with infants along. Kinda fun anyway. Love you!!

Katie said...

a) It is completely unfair that you look that cute in a sweatshirt.
b)Love the eating competition pics!
c)I had to look closely to see if that truly was a real cat that Ben is holding like a limp ragdoll. Hilarious!