Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sibling love at it's finest...

Nattie was having a rough evening last night and wanted NOTHING to do with her big brother and he knew it. He was purposely irritating her while she was trying to sit on Daddy's lap (and look how happy he is about it!). I was worn out and decided rather than trying to help the situation, I would just snap some photos of Dad trying to control his crazy children. I especially enjoy the top left picture where Nattie decides to whack Dad too.

She was also ticked earlier in the evening when Daddy was reading Ben a book. She has a jealous streak and doesn't like when she isn't part of getting the attention. I think I might be in for some tantrums when the baby arrives!
Bathtime was a little better, but she still wanted Ben to back off. Luckily, bed time was fast approaching.


Katie said...

This looks just like my house. The fighting is becoming non-stop. I'm so glad school is starting next week. (Did I say that? Yes. I did.)

the deKorne family said...

hilarious. i can relate. she is cute even when she's screaming!

Abby said...

Love that last one. Poor Nattie, middle child and the only girl? She's gotta be tough to survive. :)

Katie said...

Had fun catching up on your posts! I keep checking to see if little Andy has made his debut yet!! These are hilarious. Poor Natalie! Ben's little smirk as he tortures her cracks me up. She will be one tough cookie and hopefully develop a lot of problem solving skills being in between two brothers. :)