Monday, August 16, 2010

Eric and Erin

My little brother, Eric, and his girlfriend, Erin, made the nine hour car ride from Missouri and spent the last four days at our house hanging out. We had a lot of fun and a lot of poor Eric's expense. He's a funny guy. :)

I told Eric I needed to dedicate a post...just to him...for all of the funny things he said and did over the weekend. The most memorable being..."Hey Mike, do you have any songs on your iPod by Fleet Macwood?" When Mike started laughing and said..."Fleet Macwood?" Eric corrected and said..."I mean Mac Fleetwood!" We had a good long laugh about that one and made sure by the end of the weekend he knew it was Fleetwood Mac! He also kept referring to "espresso" as "expresso" and frequently belted the wrong words to songs all weekend. He is a good sport though and took all of our teasing like a champ...even when Mike ridiculed him relentlessly, last night, over a shoe purchase he made at the outlet mall. Mike even texted my other brother, Adam, to let him know that "Eric just purchased a pair of women's boat shoes." Mean...but funny! :)

Eric and Erin
Dinner at the Winking of our favorites! Mike was trying to do the silly Nattie smile, but of course she decided to actually sport a normal smile for this picture. :)
We went on a short hike at the Ledges Trail in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park one VERY HOT afternoon. The top right picture is what happens when your one and half year old decides she doesn't want to hike anymore. :)
Riding the train at the outlet mall...the only thing that made the shopping excursion bearable for Ben and Nattie. :)
Just some random pictures from the weekend...Eric and Erin posing in the American Gothic painting at Crocker Park....Eric sporting some lovely shoes Mike made him try on at DSW...and Erin reading Clean Eating magazine, while I read some celebrity gossip trash. :)
We ate like pigs the entire time they were here and just to prove is our dinner last night...just the four of us (Ben and Nattie had already eaten). We somehow managed to eat almost all of this! I don't know why I can't figure out why I've gained so much more weight this pregnancy?!
Finally, 1 - Nattie eating raisin bread for breakfast with her friends, 2 -Ben sporting his new flag football jersey. He was very pumped to be assigned the #1!, 3 - This is what happens when Daddy is asked to put a bow on Natalie. :)
Thanks for coming to visit, Eric and Erin, we had fun and can't wait to see you, again, soon! Love you!


the deKorne family said...

i can just hear you laughing at eric. so cute. i'm honestly, not surprised you guys ate all that food. you schweiss' can put it away. :) love you! so glad you had a fun weekend with your little brother, who is not your little brother anymore! so cute!

Katie said...

Funny post. And I love the bow that Mike put on Nattie. Hahaha.

Adam, Jenny, Emma, and Audrey said...

The new shoes were the first thing he showed me when he got home! Maybe Erin can influence Adam to update his wardrobe a little! When they told me you went on a hike I said "is she nuts?!" I think I might forward the link to your blog onto your Dr.! Glad you guys had fun together! Cute pictures from your weekend!

Molly Wilkey said...

So are you going to tell your doctor about your short hike?? :) so much for lying on your side.
Glad you had a fun weekend.

The Moser Fam... said...

Ok..the hike was more like a stroll through the woods. It was nothing strenuous or long...promise! I had a doc appt yesterday and the fluid level (which was a concern a few weeks ago) was really I'm not sure what to make of this whole lying on my left side thing! I feel like it's had more to do with how much water I'm drinking than anything else! At this point, I would be all for going into labor though! :)

diane said...

Ali-love the photos and you write so well. Also glad to see you are cooking-maybe that's why you have gained weight with #3! What a beautiful little family you have!