Wednesday, August 4, 2010

37 weeks...

I've had a few requests for a belly shot, so here ya go! This was taken this evening after I got home from work. I'm looking a bit tired and I desperately need a haircut, but the belly is really all anyone cares to see anyway. :)

About a month ago the fluid level around the baby was pretty low and my doctor was making me do a lot of resting, but since then things have improved a lot. I've been drinking WAY more water than I was and that is helping. I don't usually drink anything BUT water, but apparently the more the better...duh, Ali. Oh well..glad I figured that one out because I DO NOT like lying around all day (although I know in just a few weeks, when I am very sleep deprived, that will sound heavenly!). :)

This pregnancy feels a little different than the other two...probably because this time around I've gained 40 lbs (you'd think chasing around two kiddos would have caused LESS weight gain...uh, no!)! That's more than double what I gained with Ben and a solid 15 over what I gained with Natalie. What in the world?! I don't know if I'm just eating more or what!? Oh this point I don't really care and I just have a good laugh at the doctor's office each visit when I've gained another two pounds in less than a week....awesome!

We can't wait to meet our little guy soon!


the deKorne family said...

woooo hooo!!! LOVE seeing baby ANDY! :) you are the cutest, thing, ever!!

Christina said...

Wow - you look so cute! I'm sure you will lose it all in no time!

The Sommermeyers said...

you look beautiful!! Can't wait to see pics of baby Andy!

The Samsons said...

you look great!! as they say, you're ALL belly :)

MP said...

you are adorable. I gained about the same as you did with my first two pregnancies. So, I am joyfully looking forward to gaining probably that much with my 3rd (if we have one!), but won't look half as cute as you do, because it looks like you just swallowed something! :):)

Nana Kim said...

You look absolutely beautiful and I gained 40 with Michael too. (I think it came off?) It won't be long and we can see little Andy. We are so excited and so blessed.

Carrie said...

you look awesome ali!! can't wait for you guys!!

Abby said...

Gorgeous girl. I'd never guess you'd gained anything more than whatever that baby weighs. Love you, cannot wait!!

The Thebeaus said...

You look great! I don't know where you put 40 lbs?? That ball in front of you can't weigh that much! Can't wait to see baby pics!

Ben and Erin said...

You look so great Ali! :) I can't wait to see pictures of your new little guy and hear all about how your family is getting to know him.

Katie said...

I will sum it up with what Holden said when he saw your picture: (He was sitting on the couch next to me) "Awww! That's so CUUUUTE!!" Crack me up! I asked him what was cute, and he said, "She has a baby under those flowers!" Ha! You look great! Can't wait to "meet" Andy. ;)

Courtney said...

you look radiant, and stylish as always ;-) Your kiddos are precious - so glad you snuck in a little getaway. i love Lake Michigan...have a lot of fond memories from there. Not only growing up in chicago, but my family also had a cottage in South Haven, MI, so we spent a lot of time there!