Monday, August 23, 2010

Saturday = Fun, Monday = Losing My Mind

We purchased tickets a little over a month ago to see the Cleveland Orchestra play music from Disney movies at the Blossom Music Center (and project scenes from the movies on big screens). Kids were free if you purchased lawn seats and there was a BIG fireworks show planned for afterwards. We thought it sounded like something Ben and Nattie would love (Ben, especially, because he's seen every Disney movie known to man!). Anyway, it hadn't rained in weeks until, you guessed it, Saturday. It was a terrential downpour, but that didn't stop us. We put on our raincoats, packed our umbrellas, and headed to Blossom. We sat in the rain in our lawn chairs for 45 minutes or so before the show started and then a nice man offered us four FREE tickets to sit under the pavilion...thank, Heavens! :)
Sitting in the rain...we were soaked and very glad to eventually move to the covered pavilion!
Nattie loved the show...for the first 10 minutes...then she got restless and very tired. I missed the first half and Mike missed the second half wrangling a grouchy, one and half year old. Ben loved the whole thing though, so we were happy about that, and Nattie loved the fireworks at the end. All in all it was a fun, family adventure. :)
Despite a fun weekend, today I think I might be losing my mind. My due date is Thursday, just three days away. I had one of my regularly scheduled OB appointments today (non-stress test and ultrasound) and found out that Andy is acutally moving UP, as opposed to dropping further down into the birth canal. I thought I might go crazy when he mentioned that he wouldn't let me go past September 4th. If you are bored and need something to pray about, please consider praying that something changes quickly and my little guy decides he'd like to make an appearance sooner...rather than later! For those of you who've been pregnant, you know that the closer you get to your due date, the more antsy you get for it to be OVER! Of course, I want nothing more than for him to be healthy and strong, but selfishly, I am ready for him to be here! (I am sure this is just another lesson for Ali in being patient and waiting on God's timing...I'm a slow learner!)


Karrie said...

Praying for you, Ali. Very excited to hear about Andy's safe arrival. Easy for me to say, I know, but it really will be here before you know it....and then all of a sudden he will be three years old, right?! This might be the part of a child's life that goes the slowest for the parents :).

Ben and Erin said...

I didn't realize you were 3 days away! Wow! I will be praying for you this week. I never had to go to 40 weeks, so I can't imagine how ready you are for your little Andy. :) Your family night out sounded crazy with all the rain, but I'm so glad you guys made the best of it and Ben had a good time. Sounds like a fun idea.

the deKorne family said...

that thing sounds so AWESOME!!! wish we could have gone with our oldest child. :) praying for andy to head south pronto. love you and love him and can't wait to hear about both of you on the other side of misery! love you SO MUCH!

Abby said...

C'mon, Andy! Love you...hang in there. :)

Love, Laughter, Joy and Everything In Between said...

Hi Ali - I started following your blog from some of my other friends blogs - Katie Hobson and Annie Cunningham. Anyway, just wanted to tell you I get such a kick out of your blog and it makes me laugh. Good luck to you with your upcoming (hopefully sooner than later) birth.