Monday, August 2, 2010


On Friday, we headed east a couple of hours to Pennsylvania to spend the day at a cool kids amusement park called Idlewild. There was more to do there than we could possibly have done in one day and I definitely think we'll be going back. I think Ben and Nattie had a blast!

This is my favorite picture from our day. I love how Nattie is looking at Ben. :)
Nana might kill me for the top left picture...but it makes me smile for a number of reasons...1) The way Ben is practically sitting in her lap (it was one of those really nauseating rides!), 2) Nana's hair!, 3) The fact that she knows I'm going to be taking pictures and actually takes the time to wave (Oh..and if I had taken video of would have been laughing listening to her and Benny laughing!).
We could have easily lost Nattie in the ball pit...she kept sinking. Luckily, Papa was there to rescue her!
Nattie loves sweets like her mom and much so, that she decided to simply lean over and lick the chocolate sauce right from the cup it was served in. That's my girl!
It is no surprise that this is how the fun ended. If you could have been in the car with us the 30 minutes leading up to this, you would have realized how wonderful this actually was!


the deKorne family said...

You are so brave. I would no more take small children to an amusement park right now than to the OB with me. :) So glad you have fun...and I think Kim should be proud of that picture! She is such a fun grandma! No way Judy would be caught DEAD on any of that stuff!

Abby said...

You guys are so much fun. I'm with Heids, the thought of taking Calvin somewhere like this right now makes my head hurt!

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