Monday, April 26, 2010

Night of the Nakeds...

Usually my kids are dressed (well, if not in real clothes...then jammies at least!)....but tonight they were ready for bathtime a little early and decided to strip down in preparation. I let them have a little fun being "naked in the room" before we headed up to the tub. Apparently, when I was little I loved to run around with minimal clothing on and yell "naked in the room!" My how times have changed.... :)

Nattie was cracking up at all Ben's crazy nude dance moves (don't know where he gets this...promise?!). Anything he did...she did! I love the picture of him acting like a total whacko and her just looking up at him like he's so cool. :) By the way, I promise we feed Ben...he's just a shrimp (he's wearing 2T undies and he'll be 5 in a month!)! Oh and Nattie had her 15 month check-up today...she was in the 95th percentile for height (32 inches) and only in the 25th for weight (21 lbs). Tall and lean...but built SO different than her big (skinny) brother.
Here are a few camera timer shots of me and my naked children...
This is Nattie's newest facial's evil Nattie. She makes it A LOT and everytime it is followed up by the cheesy grin. I don't really know why they go together...but it always gives me a chuckle.
Just a few other pictures from my camera this week. Papa came up with this creative use for our fleece blanket....
Ben wanted to read to Nattie before bed tonight and she was really listening and sitting still for him. He made up every word on every page...but she was digging it. :)


Diane said...

Ali-Just a little correction-for you it was "nick-ed" in the room" and you did not wear underwear! What two little cutie pies you have-I so enjoy the blog and all the photos-you do a great job (the blog and motherhood). Love to all!

Abby said...

HA! Yes, things have changed quite a bit...unless you no longer lock yourself in the bathroom to get fully dressed. :)

Love your naked little babies!

Heather Green said...

Hilarious! Every time I ask Riley to smile, she gives me a look very similar to Nattie's evil stare! My goodness, those are some cute nakies! :)

Brooke said...

Too funny!! Why do all kids love to be makes them crazy!! My mom has told me that I used to do that, but in public. ha!

the deKorne family said...

I always felt so awkward when you ran around naked. :) YOu know my kids, specifically Ava-clothed maybe, MAYBE 10 percent of the time. Basically if we are at home, she is naked...and sometimes when we are other places. But that's embarassing. Love the evil face, how cute! Love you, love your kiddos!

Katie said...

H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!!! Those are two cutie pie naked kiddos! Holden loves to run around in his Superhero undies, too. And without anything at all. And recently he did that out in our yard while I was busy with the baby...I didn't realize it right away, either!

Ben and Erin said...

So much fun! There is nothing cuter than little ones in their diapers/underwear playing and having fun! :) You have such great kids and so much fun. Have a great weekend.