Monday, April 19, 2010

New day...

Last night I was awake for two hours in the middle of the night with some major anxiety. It's probably hormone related, but irritating nonetheless! Everything is always worse in the middle of the night, isn't it? I was so glad to wake up this morning to sunshine and happy kids (except for 10 minutes of drama from Ben because he couldn't draw a zebra at preschool...apparently he's only good at drawing dogs according to him?!). I took the kiddos to the park for a picnic and some fun and I feel MUCH better now. These little people make everything right.

We played on the playground...
and hiked to the pond....
and sat in a Magnolia tree...
I love these cuties and I'm so thankful for the blessing I've been given!


Karrie said...

Ali, You could have called me...I was awake with some anxiety as well! How great is it that His mercies are new every morning! And, that He gives us the wonderful blessings of our sweet kiddos :) to make everything better. Love the pics (and love Nattie's little capris--so cute!).

Abby said...

Middle of the night anxiety is the worst. Glad you woke up to find that all is right in the world. :) Love you and promise it will all work out!

Katie said...

Those are great pictures. I always love pictures of kids running with their backs to the camera. You got a good one!

Katie said...

I do the middle of the night anxiety, too. It does always seem 10 times worse at night. And you are right, the hormones do NOT help! Glad the sun was shining for you in the morning; both weather-wise and with your kids' smiley faces. They sure are cute!

Ben and Erin said...

What a sweet post. You are such a great mom and have so much fun with your adorable kids. I love it. Hope you are able to get some sleep and rest--I'm sure you need it these days.

the deKorne family said...

i love you. :)