Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We love you, Papaw!

Mother's Day was a hard day. We spent all day at the hospital with Mike's family saying goodbye to Papaw. He found out in January that he had cancer all throughout his body and had been fighting it for the last four months. He was making all of us laugh right up until he took his last breath. He is home in Heaven now and we are so thankful he does not have to suffer anymore. When I told Ben that Papaw went to Heaven to live with Jesus his response was... "Awww, cool!" I just love a three year old's perspective...he can teach us a lot.

Papaw... Thank you for being such a wonderful grandpa to Mike (me too!). I loved how you would bring me a raisin bagel every Thursday morning because you knew I liked them...or how you would hug me and tell me I was pretty....or how you would read Mike and I crazy stories from the newspaper on our way out the door in the morning...or how we'd come home from work and find something in our house, that we didn't even know was broken, fixed. :) The one thing I will miss the most though... is the special role you've played in Benny's life. He loved each week over the last four years when you and Mamaw would come to watch him. You played with him and loved him and you and Mamaw made it much easier for me to go to work because I knew he was in good hands. I'm so thankful that Natalie got to meet her Papaw too. You are so loved and will be missed more than you know. Thank you for blessing our lives. We love you and we know we will see you again!


Abby said...

So sorry about Mike's grandpa - but love little Ben's perspective. It is cool...and it's even cooler to know you will all see him again someday! So thankful for our relationships with Jesus! Love you guys so much, will be thinking and praying for your family.

Katie said...

I am sorry to hear about your family's loss. He looks like an incredible man! I love Ben's thought process on heaven. :) He is right on! Still, losing someone you love is never easy. I will be thinking of you!

beth said...

thinking of you guys at this time, please let mike and his family know i am sorry for their loss, he was a sweet guy. there is comfort knowing it is not forever.

Adam, Jenny, and Emma said...

Sorry to hear about Walle. We are thinking and praying for all of you. I love what Ben said! He is so right, it is cool. Love you guys!

ZFam said...

awww...tears are streaming down my cheeks after reading this! he sounds like the sweetest pawpaw ever! so glad you have so many wonderful, wonderful memories of him that you can hold close til you meet again one day....

Karrie said...

Mike, Ali, Ben, & Natalie
We were so sad to hear about your grandpa. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. What a gift he was to you all! May you be comforted by your memories--and of course by the assurrance we have that he is rejoicing in Heaven! Ali, what a touching tribute to him on your blog....and what a great picture you painted of such a great man.
Sending love your way!

Courtney said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss - he sounds like such a sweet man. Your words were so honoring. What a blessing and a gift to KNOW you will see him again!

MP said...

I am so sorry for your loss. He did look like an amazing man! So glad your kids got to know him the way that they did. Also, I love the pictures of Ben in his kids program. I know this is so girlie to say..but I love his outfit :)