Friday, May 29, 2009

My chunky monkey...

or Fatty Nattie (whichever you prefer!) had her four month check up yesterday and I was blown away. She is in the 97th percentile for height (26 1/4 inches), 90th for weight (15 lbs 6 oz) and 90th for head! It just makes me laugh. I know that no two kids are alike, but her and Ben couldn't be more different in terms of how they are built. Ben was off the charts in the other direction. She is so much fun though and I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her! She is not all the into laying on her tummy still and she hasn't rolled over yet, but we're working on it. She does a lot of jabbering and giggling, so that's fun and she's normally a super happy, smiley little thing. The pediatrician told us we could start feeding her cereal now and introduce other baby foods after that. I fed her a whole little bowl of cereal last night and she gobbled it right up. I had to stick her pacifier in after each spoonful to help her figure out how to swallow it down instead of spitting it back at me! :) I don't think we'll have any eating problems with this one! :) I love her just the way she is...perfect!


Anonymous said...

sounds like she is doing much better with the cereal than mags! she can't sit up on her own, but is really close. rolling over ... did it three times from tummy to back, but not again. so interesting how each kid is different for growing! hope i get to see you soon. i will definitely be headed that way in august and will let you know.

the deKorne family said...

kaiya is 16 4! funny! wish i could see them next to each other again! :) she is so cute! can't believe you started cereal already..i'm such a slacker mom!

Abby said...

She is a cute little monkey, chunky or not! I am pretty sure Calvin will be right behind her in those high percentiles...when they start out in the 95th percentile, the odds are good they'll stay there! Love you, and your sweet little girl!

April Gann said...

They are so different but SO cute. I can't believe how fast she's growing. I'm dying to see her!
Happy Birthday Today (again). Just wanted to say it publicly. Love you.

Katie said...

She looks so squeezable! :) It is amazing how different they both are, and you're right, neither of them could get any cuter!