Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Trip to NH (3) - Mt. Washington and Arethusa Falls

More hiking pictures (sorry...long post!)!! Mike, Brad and Papa climbed around six miles up to the top of Mt. Washington one day and gained about 4200 feet of elevation during their climb. They said it was pretty difficult, but worth it for the awesome views! Nana, Christina, Ben and I met them at the top in the car...a much easier ascent. It was cold up there, but the view was pretty great....even though the clouds rolled in making it difficult to get too many pictures. During their climb, they came across a really beautiful waterfall called the Crystal Cascade. It wasn't too far into their hike, so we all walked to it once we had driven back down the mountain.

Ben posing at the top of the mountain...so windy and cold!
Do you like Brad's face in the background of the bottom right picture? Pretty typical! :)
Some pictures from the short hike to Crystal Cascade...sometimes I wonder why I don't live somewhere that looks like this!?
More pictures below from yet another hike....on another day we hiked to Arethusa Falls, the tallest waterfall in NH. It's somewhere around 200 feet tall. Sorry for all the scenery pictures, but I just couldn't get enough of all the nature. :)

1 comment:

Erin and Josh said...

what gorgeous pictures!! looks amazing... and i'm sure you had a blast. :)