Thursday, August 7, 2008

My big boy....kind of.

Ben had his three year well child appointment at the pediatrician Tuesday. Our pediatrician makes us wait until he has b-day to schedule the appointment and then they can't fit us in for months! Oh well, we finally had it. I actually love these appointments and so does Ben (toys in the office and the rooms are decorated cool!). It's fun to hear how he's growing and to be able to ask questions (maybe I'm weird!).

Well, he's a whopping 28 lbs and 36 inches tall at three years and two months. He's in the 25th percentile for both height and weight. He's actually moving up the scale and not falling off...yeah! I am very lucky...he is always such a good boy at the doc. He sits perfectly still when they listen to his heart and look in his ears. He did a great job during his first vision exam too (20/40 in both eyes, which I guess is perfectly normal for a three year old?). He had to get some kind of hepatitis shot this time and after the nurse poked his little leg, all he said was, "Mom, that pinched a little." He didn't cry or anything. Weird. Guess I can't complain. He's a pretty tough cookie.

Oh...and I asked if I should be concerned about his potty training aversion. The doc told me not to worry a bit and that all three of his boys were not potty trained until three and a half and one was almost four. I felt a little better, but now I'm worried about how long we'll be buying pullups and having accidents. Oh the joy! :)

Here he is napping in his big boy bed today. We just made the transition to the big bed this week after getting all new carpet in our house! He is loving it and sleeping better than in the crib. I know...most people move their kids much sooner...but, what can I say, we move slow over here. What's the rush? :) Do you think he has enough stuffed animals in bed with him?

Just had to throw in this picture from several weeks ago out on the deck. Yes, he's wearing Lightning McQueen and Mater underwear on the deck and yes, he probably peed in them. He's got a cute little butt though...don't you think? :)


the deKorne family said...

i just spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what a b minus day is and why you could only go to the dr. on one. :) i am so pregnant.

Katie said...

Love the new pics! He is such a cutie pie. I love scrawny, scrappy little boys like my own! =o) Looks like he took the transition to a big boy bed very well. I am sure Holden will be in his crib a very long time as well. One bonus to his being so tiny is he (knock on wood!) hasn't been able to climb out of it yet. He loves it and goes down without a fuss so I figure there's no rush. I wish I lived close so I could give Ben a squeeze. I am sure you can give him one for me! He looks like so much fun.

ZFam said...

Such a cutie! I think he and Alexa will be about the exact same size for their 3 year appointment! How funny is that?! The scary thing is that JD isn't far behind them! I think he's perfect though! He is just too cute for words!

Abby said...

Someday he will hate you for posting pictures of him in his underwear and commenting on how cute his butt is.

But you're right, it's pretty darned cute. He can hate me too. :)

Love you!

the cunningham family said...

He is so cute! He will love you for the pic of him in the underwear later in life! Cade is trying to have a race with Ben...he is already 24.6 pounds. I don't know why my babies are so darn big! Oh well! Enjoy the little things with Ben, they grow up way to fast don't they? :)

Anonymous said...

He is just perfect!