Tuesday, January 18, 2011


If I could describe Andy in one word, it would be pleasant. Does this mean he's going to be a total hellion when he's older? I sure hope not! It is pretty much impossible to think that I will ever get mad at this little dude.

If looks could kill...

I fed A-dub rice cereal for the first time this week. He DEVOURED it. My other two weren't so sure the first few times they tried it, but not this guy. He acted ravenous and gobbled up a whole bowl full on several occasions.
Nattie, Ben and Daddy were cracking each other up at dinner the other night. I don't know how the whole episode started, but they were screaming at the top of their lungs (for fun) and Nat found it very amusing. :) Dinnertime is always very peaceful at our house?!
She's just getting so cute (at least to her mama!)...I love having a girl.
Ben and I finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so now we've moved on the The Chronicles of Narina. We are half way through The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. He begs me to read him "just one more chapter" every night. :)

I threw in the food picture below just to prove that occasionally Ben will eat a balanced meal. He ate everything on his plate, with the exception of a few bites of carrots. I let him stop eating when he started to gag. I swear it's a fake gag just to get out of eating, but he's done it before and actually thrown up, so now I'm cautious. I think meal time is the WORST part of being a parent. I so wish I could leave that task to someone else!!


The Thebeaus said...

I agree!! Mealtime is the worst!! Why do they do that to us?? The munchkins are pretty cute!!

Abby said...

I'm starting to feel your pain about mealtime...argh. Andy is seriously cute. They all are, but I just can't believe how much he's grown and how fast he's changed since I was there!! Love you :)

Mom/Grammy said...

I love that Ben is getting into the chapter books...you are doing to best time investment in his life (teaching him the love of reading!) Counting the days until we arrive and get to hug those adorable munchkins!

Ben and Erin said...

Each set of pictures and stories about your sweet little kid's is just adorable. Andy's little face is just too cute. :)

April Gann said...

Love the new pictures. And I can't believe Ben is wanting Narnia already! Those are some of my best childhood memories...

MP said...

I love your little a-dub. he is adorable. natalie is getting so big, and her hair is getting so long!!

Katie said...

All 3 of them are just too cute for words. The nickname A-Dub cracks me up everytime I read it! Does Natalie's hair have more of a reddish tint now, or did I just notice this? It is so pretty! Can't wait for the chapter book age. You are reading some of my favorites with Ben!

Katie said...

PS COMPLETELY AGREE about mealtimes!!