Saturday, January 8, 2011

House arrest...

I often feel like I'm under house arrest these days...confined to my home by the authorities...aka Ben, Natalie, and Andy. Don't get me wrong, I love these little people, but it would be nice to occasionally take a shower and go somewhere. :) Oh well, leaving the house for any fun reason was not in the cards this week (other than for work..but that's not all that fun)'s cold out, loading three kids into the car with coats, shoes, diaper bag, etc is like a 45 minute process, and I have an ugly case of pink, we stayed indoors.

The most recent weird Ben I was getting him ready for school one day this week, he was singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" as loud as he could. He decided it would be cool to insert the word butt in place of the word hands. Nattie thought it was hilarious. "If you're happy and you know it than your butt will surely show it. If you're happy and you know it clap your butt!" I don't know where he gets this stuff...Mike and I are never weird like that. :)
He is really into coloring lately and trying to stay within the lines. He is getting much more patient and creative with his artwork and it's fun to watch. We played "grocery store" in the basement this morning and he was having fun filling his basket with stuff. I checked him out and he said, " didn't say cash or charge?!" :)
Cute girl...
I love watching Natalie play with the toys in the basement (which, at this point, are still mostly boy toys). She is into all the "helmets" (anything that goes on your head is a helmet) and she really likes Buzz and Woody. Most almost two-year-olds probably aren't into them yet, but when you have a five-year-old brother, you learn what's cool fast. :)
I forgot to mention in my new year's post that Mike ran seven miles on new year's eve morning to reach his 1000 mile goal for 2010. Craziness...but a pretty cool accomplishment and goal to achieve!

And now, a stupid amount of Andy pictures. I'm sorry, but I actually have more and decided that I was reaching the point of diminishing return. I think I have successfully established the fact that I think he's cute and I love his face and smile and little chub. At his four month check-up this week he was in the 50th percentile for everything. He's 14 lbs, 7 oz and 25 1/4 inches long. Mike texted me at work this week to tell me that Andy was sucking both of his thumbs at the same it! He is the first of my kids to suck his thumb (fingers too...and sometimes even his whole fist) and it's really cute (just hope he doesn't need braces later on in life like his mama!).
Ok...I just had to let this one stand could probably use a creative caption, but I'm too busy laughing to think of one.
Finally, both of my littlest sleeping this afternoon. I LOVE when Nat falls asleep "reading" one of her books. I laid Andy on the living room floor for a minute to do something and when I walked back into the room this is how I found him. :)


Mom/Grammy said...

I liked this post, Ali. Love the sleeping pictures and those adorable Andy pictures all look like the male version of your baby pictures (especially the big mouth crying one!!) I think I have one of you with that exact pose! He is so cute and such a happy little guy. We miss our cutie pies so much and can't wait to get to Natalie's birthday party at the end of the month.

Katie said...

Besides the fact that you carried him for 9 months, there is no denying that Andy is your baby! I think he looks just like you! What a cutie; love the one in the middle with his hair sticking up. Great pic of him and Mike. Ben's "butt" insertion made me laugh. Holden is obsessed with butts, burps, and "tooting" these days. Such a boy!!!

Matt and Abby said...

Hannah loves "woodybuzz" too! Andy is adorable and good luck to Mike with his goal!

MP said...

that one of andy is hilarious!! Sometimes weeks like that are actually fun..just staying indoors..especially when it is cold!! Congratulations to Mike for that cool accomplishment!! :)

ZFam said...

nothing is sweeter than sleeping babies! (no matter how old they are!)