Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm a real slacker....

A big sorry, to all of you who check my blog frequently, for a very poor month of blogging on my part! It's been a busy summer and these last few weeks, even though we've been home, have felt extra busy at work and at home due to catch up from our trip to Missouri to visit my fam earlier this month and in preparation for the vacation we head out on tomorrow morning at 4 am (not my idea to leave at that me!!). We are heading to New Hampshire for a week with Mike's family (Nana, Papa, Brad and Christina (Brad's girlfriend)). We are really looking forward to it, so hopefully I'll be able to regain my blog momentum once we're back home...because you know I'll have a plethora of pictures to share! :) We'll just have to see how 12 hours in the car with an active three year old will go...good times...I'm sure! :) I know many of you don't believe in letting your young children watch too much TV, but I gotta be honest, I'm banking on a wide range of Disney movies to keep Ben entertained and happy for the better part of the trip! :) He'll recover quickly....I think. :)

On a side note...we have spent the better part of this month working hard at getting Ben potty trained and I am about to give up and live with Mr. Poopypants forever. He doesn't give a crap (literally!). He'll poop IN his big boy underwear (not a Pull-Up) and be totally fine just "hanging out" in it. GROSS! I've thrown away more pairs of underwear this month just because I didn't want to deal with "poop removal." :) Please...someone...anyone... give me the magic trick! :) Is it possible that he is still not ready? I just feel like every other three year old is potty trained?!

Sorry, that was a long side note, I'm done now. Oh and I honestly don't even have a photo to post right now, if you can believe that. I've been on a picture taking hiatus for the past few weeks in preparation for're in for it now! Enjoy your week! :)


Ben and Erin said...

I have been wondering where you guys have been! It was good to read your update. I hope you guys have a great time in NH...I'm sure you will. I'll look forward to seeing your pics when you get back! Sorry, I have no advice for you on the potty training, except to say that my 3 year old nephew is not fully potty trained either, so you aren't alone! :)

the deKorne family said...

We missed you. Hopefully you can sleep and Mike can drive!! Have a great trip--and don't worry, Ben won't go to Kindergarten in a pull up. No rush! :) i love you!

Abby said...

I'm not sure why, but my pediatrician recently (before Ash was PT'd) that the "typical" ages now are later than they were before. The average--according to her--for girls is 3 and 4 for boys. So Ben is right on track! Sucks, though...I know. Take a break for a while and wait for him to make the decision. Until he makes it on his own, it'll just be a losing battle! You're doing great Ali! It'll happen before you even know it. Have a great trip!!

the cunningham family said...

I have been wondering where you were! :) Don't worry about potty your friend said, Ben will not go to Kindergarten in diapers! It will happen. Some things we tried (take it for what it is worth) Colin wore those padded underwear (he hated that feeling of being wet), and we totally bribed him with cars. For every day he was dry, he earned a car (matchbox, CARS cars, etc), it got expensive, but he loved choosing from the pile and it totally motivated him to become without accidents and pull ups, etc. Anyways, have a great trip in NH, you guys have great family vacations, can't wait to see some pics! Good luck with the potty training, let me know if you have questions, I'd be more than happy to help in any way I can! :)

Katie said...

I had been wondering what had happened to the queen of blogs! =o) Hope you have a great trip! I can only imagine potty training Holden in the strong willed as he is, either he'll do it right away or he'll fight it like mad. Yikes! Have you tried a sticker chart or some type of rewards system? I remember my mom doing that with Eric. He called them his "poopy stickers" and when he got a certain amount we did Chuck E. Cheese. =o) I'm told it's very common for them to hold onto the pooping thing's a control thing. Good luck, I am sure I'll be asking you for tips in a few years!