Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blue sky...

Yesterday was one of the lazy days at home where I only left the house to take Benny to pre-K. I looked outside at about 2:30 pm and the tree in our backyard looked so pretty against the bright blue fall sky. Since Natalie and Andy were both sleeping soundly, Benny and I went out in the yard to play in the yellow leaves for a little while...and who am I kidding...I thought it was a good photo opportunity too!

It was a little chilly, so I told him he had to wear a coat. He wanted to wear his new OshKosh coat that we bought this past weekend (at Sam's Club, of all places) because Daddy told him it looked like something an Ice Road Trucker would wear. He thinks he's pretty cool now.

I never get tired of leaf throwing pictures. :)

When Nattie woke up from her nap, Ben and I showed her the pictures from the backyard and she kept saying "tree, side, shoes, tree, side, shoes." Meaning, "Mom, I want to play by the the tree outside. Go get my shoes." I have mastered the art of understanding baby speak. :) Well, she didn't really need shoes because she still had on her jammies (remember, it was a lazy day!). So, I let her go outside in her pj's. :)
Apparently it's supposed to snow this weekend, so we will enjoy playing in the leaves, in our pajamas, while we still can. :)
On another note, Mike ran in the "Run with Scissors" trail marathon with his buddy, Brandon, on Sunday and did a great job. Due to his recent surgery, he hadn't been as dedicated to keeping up with his running the last few weeks, but he ended up finishing only three minutes slower than his time last year (and he didn't get sick this time!). Way to go, Mick! (Oh..and he normally doesn't wear two hats at once. He's wearing the one he ran in, and the one he got for running the race. I'm not sure why...guess he needed a place to put it!?)


Mom said...

I love a fall sky and your kids faces in front of it makes it even prettier. Good job, Mike on another good run! See you in two weeks!

Abby said...

That fourth picture down of Ben throwing leaves is AWESOME. I love the way the sky looks in the fall.

Way to go, Mike!

Katie said...

I just took some "playing in the leaves" pictures, too. Who knows when I'll get them blogged but I can picture the collages. :) Love this time of year! I want a cozy jammies day!

Courtney said...

So beautiful. Sounds like you're a sucker for any photo opp, just as I am. Although, my kiddos get so tired of seeing the camera in their face, they pretty much ignore me these days. ah well, i still have fun ;-)

SNOW?! For your sake, I sure hope not! ugh.

beth said...

snapfish some of your last posts, i would love to have some of the photos. you have great subjects to work with for your photo ops. miss ya

Abby said...

Gorgeous pics, Ali! You have such darling kiddos :)