Thursday, November 25, 2010

A thankful heart...

I know there are likely people who read this blog and think that I'm all ooey gooey and lovey dovey about my life. If I'm being honest, there are times in the past when I've worried that people might think I'm being fake or trying to make my life appear to be all sunshine and lollipops. I actually found myself, at times, trying to think of things that happened during the day that were "bad" or "unhappy"...just so people wouldn't think I was fake. After thinking about it for awhile, I decided that I really shouldn't care what people think (at least I should try not to!). I decided that I would just be who I was and I would post what I really, truly felt and thought about my life and my family. If people thought I was too ooey gooey and lovey dovey, well then, so be it!

The truth is, I am blessed and most of the time I do feel like life is sunshine and lollipops...I can't help it...I'm an optimist. :) Don't get me wrong, I have my share of bad days, but I thank God for giving me all that is good in my life... a cute, loving and funny husband, three unique and adorable babies, friends who share my ups and downs, and family (on both sides) who we could not love more and who love us in return. God is good and I have a thankful heart.

We spent the day with the Moser clan at Papa and Nana's house...
Everybody loves a baby...
Benny LOVES his cousin Ellie. They have so much fun together. They took all of the toys in Nana and Papa's basement into their "secret clubhouse" in the bathroom. Sorry to anyone who had to pee. :)
My kiddos love Granny and Angy too...and I'm pretty sure Granny and Angy love my kiddos.
Finally, some random shots from turkey day. I especially like the awesome tattoos Christina and Michelle are sporting...very classy. By they way, anyone looking for a fun and funny game to play with family...try this one. It's great for a crowd (even the kids can join in...if you keep it G rated) and doesn't require too much brain kind of game!
Happy Thanksgiving from sunshine and lollipop land! :)


The Samsons said...

I completely agree! When I sit down to write a post and even have a negative thing to say, I will often stop myself and be reminded of just how blessed I (we all) are! how can you not focus on the positive!? :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Abby said...

You're cute and I'm glad you're all sunshine and lollipops. Thankful for you!

Ben and Erin said...

I feel so similar to you Ali as far as blogging and my life. I'm so grateful that I am blessed with a great family and that I enjoy what I'm doing and the people I'm spending my day with. :) I like the happy, sappy, all positiveness that you write about and experience on a daily basis. :)