Monday, July 12, 2010

Relaxing weekend...

Mike and I had a date night on Friday. It was nice to spend an evening alone with him. We didn't do anything fancy...just dinner at Panera, quick trip to DSW and Old Navy, to the movie theatre to see Eclipse, and, finally, as is customary for us at least four out of seven nights a week this summer, ice cream! We don't get much alone time these days (as I'm sure is the case for many of you reading this!) and I imagine that having baby number three soon won't help with that! Thanks to Papa and Nana for hanging out with the kiddos for the evening, so we could take a break. :)

I used the self-timer to take this photo of us before our date. :) We look a little TOO happy.
Another trip for ice cream, playing on the playground and looking for bugs! I feel bad, but somehow I end up taking WAY more pictures of Nattie than I do of Ben these days. The top right picture gave me a chuckle with her diaper sticking out the front of her lady-like. :)
Just a couple of us with our rugrats who we love more than words....even when they are whiney, won't eat their dinner, and don't listen for the better part of the day (that pretty much sums up our day today...Ben got his butt smacked more times than I can count...apparently, not the most effective form of discipline?!!). It was actually one of those days where I just had to laugh at the thought of adding a newborn to the mix. What am I in for?! :)
Finally, I'm up to two appointments with my OB a week now, due to low amniotic fluid levels around the baby (same problem I had with Nattie!). He is asking me to do a lot of resting which is very, very hard for me! We, in case you hadn't noticed, like to stay pretty active...especially in the summer! Lying around when it's sunny out and my kids wants to play (or when I just want to feel productive!) makes me grouchy. I know this is only temporary and for my own good (and the little man's), so I'm just praying for a little extra patience to get through the next month and a half!


Abby said...

You are all cute. Glad you had a date night...we had one on Friday, too. So nice! Love you, keep resting as much as you can...I know it's hard but it's good for you and Andy! Take advantage of the chance to be lazy while you have something to blame it on...

The Thebeaus said...

So glad that you got a date night...we did too this weekend and we went to see Eclipse! I feel your pain about resting at the end of pregnancy. It is SO hard to do nothing when you feel that you have so much to do and other kiddos to take care of. You will be in our prayers for everything to be okay. Take care!

the deKorne family said...

Yay for date night. It's actually fun to see you all cute and cuddled together! :) I feel like you're not usually the most affectionate ones. :) I wish I wanted to be productive--I'd take over lying on the couch for you no problem!

MP said...

that is great you got a date night!! We don't get those as often as we would like. I will be praying for your last month and a half. I hope it goes by soo quickly!! :)