Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer fun...

Since Mike is a teacher, he has the summer off and gets to spend his days playing with our kiddos. I think he's worn out by the time I get home from work (only three days a week), but it's clear that these little people love the time they spend with Dad. One day this week I came home to a "family fun fort" in the basement, as Benny called it, and they were so excited to show me.

Hanging out in the fort...
This morning, Ben was making a lot of noise in the kitchen and next thing we know he's running into the family room in his "spaceship." He converted a cardboard box that held some diapers we recently purchased into this lovely work of art. He covered it in stickers, stamps, and his name and has had fun playing with it all day. Of course, Nattie wanted one too, so Daddy let her play with a smaller box. :)
We spent the sunny afternoon today playing in the water on our deck...
What would a summer day be without a little sprinkler action?
Quick Benny story...tonight at dinner Ben was freaking out, as is usually the case, about having to eat what I made. I knew he'd like it, so I was being pretty stern with him about taking a bite and at least trying it. Well, he ended up liking it and eating his entire plate full. Afterwards I told him I was proud of him for trying something new and eating it all. He said "Thanks, Mom, but I'm a great eater. I don't know why this is a big deal." He is seriously a nut. He whines, complains and messes around at mealtime 99% of the time. He is a royal pain in the butt when it comes to food...but apparently in his own head he's a great eater. I guess one day he'll figure out that when you take your shirt off and your ribs show and your legs look more like your mom's than your dad' might want to start eating. :)
After dinner, I sat on the deck and watched the rest of my fam run around and chase each other like wild animals in the backyard. They were sure having fun. Ben dropped his drawers and peed in the yard at one point and Nattie had no clothes on. I'm sure the neighbors think we're total hillbillies!
Finally, here's a short video of my little dancer. Nattie LOVES music. Whenever we turn on the tunes she usually runs around the kitchen like a crazy women and then she'll randomly stop and show us some of her sweet moves. She makes me smile.


Katie said...

Go Nattie. Go Nattie. It's your birthday. Feel the music.

Adam, Jenny, Emma, and Audrey said...

We like Natties sweet moves! When the video finished, Emma said "Now I want to see Benny dance." Can you post one of those?!

Erin and Josh said...

too, too cute! i love your family. :)

the deKorne family said...

love those pics of them all running around. cutie pies. even mike. :) (i can say that bc i've been around since the overalls) funny story about the eating! can't wait to see if he ever decides he likes it!

Nana Kim said...

Nattie has the best little personality and Benny looks so cute laying in the fort. You guys are fun parents. Keep playing!!

Katie said...

She made me laugh out loud. What a sweetie pie! And I can sooo relate to the eating issues with Ben. Holden is the same way. Last night I spent literally 20 min. convincing him to try a Hot Pocket. Sure enough, once he tried it, he liked it. Why can't they realize how much they miss out on by not enjoying food?!

Ben and Erin said...

Sounds like wonderful summer days. That video of Natalie is so cute. I love how happy she is dancing and listening to music. You have such an adorable family!

It Couldn't Be Better said...

Fun times, Ali. I love Natalie's dance moves~that made me laugh. I can relate 100% to the peeing in the yard/nakedness. I have a few of those stories, too! That is one reason we didn't have our neighbors write our recommendation letters for our home study/adoption!