Thursday, May 27, 2010

My five year old...and some other stuff...

On Tuesday my little man turned five years old! I can hardly believe it has been five years since I spent 24 hours lying in a hospital bed waiting for him to arrive! He has blessed my life more than he'll ever know. It's really amazing how fast he went from.... this
We are having his party on Sunday with mostly family, but he did receive a special b-day package in the mail today from Grammy and Pops and was VERY excited! Mike and I gave him a small fish tank with two goldfish on his actual birthday too. He LOVES them and has named them "Ben" and "Nathan" (after his good buddy next door!).
In other Benny news...after watching an episode of Sid the Science Kid that was all about charts and how to use them ...Ben decided he needed a, we created one and it's been working out to MY advantage quite well, actually! He gets stickers for doing certain EATING without complaining...etc. After so many stickers he'll get a small prize or reward. So far...he is LOVING it!
Papa and Daddy ran one evening at Silvercreek park, so Ben, Nattie and I went for a walk on the trail while we waited for them to finish.

Checking out the frogs...
Nothing like a little self-timer action right on the trail...
Some "other" stuff from the last week or so...we picked up some fried chicken one night this week and were surprised to find that Nattie LOVED it (ok...not that surprised). I handed her a whole drumstick and she proceeded to gnaw all the meat and skin right off the bone...nothing like her brother!
Finally, a shot of Nattie from today. She has been awake for the better part of the last three nights teething something fierce. I feel sorry for the poor thing, but man does it drive me bonkers during the night!! She is drooling so much it is almost pointless to put clothes on her because they are covered up with bibs and even that doesn't keep her clothes dry! Oh...and her head is one permanent bruise/scratch these days...but I still think she's cute. :)
That's all...for now.


Katie said...

Oh my gosh, Ali! That very same Sid the Science kid episode inspired our chore charts as well. I guess it was about a year and a half ago. Funny.

Grammy said...

Dear Benny,

Pops and I are glad you liked all your stuff! We hope you have the best birthday party ever this weekend and wish we were there. You are one special little boy and we love how you've changed our lives by being so imaginative, funny, silly and kind-hearted. We will see you in a month. Love and kisses from Grammy (and Pops!)

And Ali, you are a good Mom. I love how you find interesting fun things to do with those two...looking for frogs and just traipsing around on trails. Your kids will have good memories. We wish you a happy birthday, too. Have a great weekend celebrating!!

(Okay, sorry for such a long comment!)

Ben and Erin said...

Happy belated 5th birthday to Ben! I can see so much of him today, as a baby. :) He's such a cutie and so funny! The picture of the three of you is great too. You are so cute! Sorry to hear about poor Natalie and her teething--we are doing some of that too. :( Have a great weekend!

the deKorne family said...

happy birthday benster!!! and love those pictures from the park. gorgeous. that is one of the things that is so cute about you that you will set a timer and take a pic at a park! miss you.

Abby said...

Happy birthday, Ben! How has it been five years? I distinctly remember the early morning call announcing he had FINALLY decided to arrive. We love you, Ben!

I love charts. Can't wait to do that myself. Love!

Diane said...

Happy Birthday, Ali!! and belated birthday wishes to little Ben. I am so proud of who you have become as a young woman and mother! And as always, I love your blog. It was nice to see the DeKorne fam since we prayed so much for them. Hope you have a wonderful birthday-can't believe you are 31! Love to all.