Thursday, October 22, 2009


We had some fun at the park today....playing in the leaves, swinging on the swings, and running around the playground.
Here are just a few extras from my camera this week. Benny has been playing with his LeapFrog computer a lot lately. He's really into typing words and showing me what he's done. He likes sitting in the chair with Nattie after bathtime and "reading" her books too. I've been giving Nat more table food lately. She still only has two teeth, but she loves Ritz crackers, fruit puffs, and anything that easily dissolves in her mouth. I've actually even given her some spaghetti a couple of times and she's done pretty good with that too. I'm hoping that her eating habits are much better than her big brothers.

Finally, in the spirit of painting a realistic picture of my family, today wasn't all fun and games (as the lovely fall pictures above might imply). My wonderfully adorable four-year-old (ha ha ha) decided that he was not in the mood to stop playing during our lunch outing today to go to the bathroom. He starts waddling through the restaurant, to the table I was sitting at, yelling "Mom, I pooped my pants!" Mind you, the place was FULL of people enjoying a nice, quiet lunch. I can only imagine how many were completely grossed out after hearing/seeing/smelling him! I was so embarrassed. Anyway, we cleaned him all up, finished up lunch quickly, and got out of there.

After lunch we headed to the park. We were having a blast. Well, until he decided that he was having too much fun playing to tell me he had to go to the bathroom, yet again. I see him running towards me across the park. As he gets closer, I hear him say, "Uh, Mom, I pooped my pants again." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! This time I was TICKED (to put it nicely). He begged me to take him into the bathroom and clean him up again (yes, the park has a bathroom, so there is NO excuse!). I said NO and made him sit in it the whole way back to our house as he cried from the backseat. Evil mother. I the only mother in the world who has a four-year-old who becomes so engrossed in what he's doing that he can't take two minutes to poop in a toliet? Thank goodness he's cute, because I really might have killed him. :)


the deKorne family said...

so cute. jealous of your pretty day. at the top of the post i was thinking-i know the truth. :) you are so transparent. love you!!

beth said...

i have no words.

Katie said...

Cute pictures! Your story had me laughing so hard. Sorry, I would have been ticked, too, but you just describe it so well I can picture the whole scene! Holden still shows no signs of being potty trained soon. I swear I'll be cleaning his poopy diapers in college. Love Natalie's "spooky" outfit!