Sunday, August 16, 2009


Both Ben and Natalie had well-child check-ups recently, so I thought I'd share the latest stats. I always have myself a little chuckle when I think about how different they are. They are both continuing along their respective curves opposite ends of the spectrum...but at least they are both growing! :)

At 6 months, Natalie is...
17 lbs 13 oz (90th percentile)
27 1/2 inches (95th percentile)

At 4 years, Ben is...
32 1/2 lbs (10th percentile)
38 1/2 inches (10th percentile)

Here are the two muchkins playing in the tub together. Ben loves to dump water over her head. She doesn't out well. :)
In other news, Mike and I celebrated 7 years of marriage on August 10th. We rarely make a big deal out of anniversaries or birthdays (we're boring...I know) and this year was no exception. We spent the day in the car driving home from romantic! :) I love him and love the adventures we have together as a family. I can't imagine my life with anyone else!

Finally, just thought I'd share some pictures from our trip to Sandusky yesterday. We spent the afternoon and evening playing at the beach (Lake Erie) with friends. Benny had a blast with his friend Natalie (blonde below). He referred to her by the same nicknames he calls his sister. Oh..and at one point he even told her "I love you." :) This was our Nattie's first experience with sand. I turned my back for one second only to find her face down in it. She had it in her mouth, eyes, ears...everywhere. Lovely. :) Oh well...she didn't seem to mind.

Benny had a ball playing catch with. Kelly, the cute Golden Retriever pictured below. It made me sad that we don't have our Lucy dog anymore. Luckily, she'll be coming for weekly visits with Granny in just one more week.
One quick Benny story....We were driving to his doctor appointment this last week and we were talking about different nicknames people had for one another. Our conversation ended like this....
Me: "What does Mommy call you?"
Ben: "I don't want to talk about it."
Me: "Why?"
Ben: "It's classified, Mom."
The kid keeps me laughing...that's for sure! :)


MP said...

Ben is hysterical. I love how different their stats are! It is truly amazing!! But, they are oh so cute, and I love Natalie's swimsuit and hat!! Happy Anniversary to you guys!!

Nana Kim (mom) said...

I got it, Benny "needs" a golden retriever. :)

Courtney said...

Oh my gosh - that comment Ben made is hilarious! Where in the world did he hear that word used?! Congrats to you guys on 7 years...I'm glad we're not the only "boring" ones. We rarely make a big deal out of that stuff either. One year we went for sundaes at McDonalds...yup pretty sure we did. I loved every yummy bite with my hubby :)

Ben and Erin said...

What a fun post this was to read. I can totally relate to how different two children can be. Landon has definitely passed Clare up in weight and height, by months already. I don't know about you, but before Landon was born, I just assumed they'd be somewhat was I wrong! :) Although they do look similar. Anyway, both Ben and Natalie are just dolls. She does have kissable cheeks. I love that! I laughed out loud with my Ben reading your Ben story. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

love to bath them, onecock, onepussy and 2 lovely soft mouths = heaven