Monday, August 24, 2009

A tooth and some biscuits...

Today Ben and I both had dentist appointments. While I was in the chair having my teeth cleaned, he was having a lovely conversation with the dental hygenist. He was babbling on and on about random things, when he somehow landed on the topic of using the potty (never a good topic during casual discussion...this is bound to go south, you know). He proceeded to tell her that he poops in a toliet now, but that he used to, and I quote, "drop biscuits in my undies." OH MY GOSH! Who is responsible for this child?

Well, all I can say is that I think I sat straight up in my chair and yelled something like "Ben....NO...don't say that!" He then started crying because I embarrassed him. I felt bad....but I'm sure I was bright red myself!! I know there are much worse things he could have said...but for some reason I found that to be embarrassing enough! Luckily, the dental hygenist just laughed and made him feel better. Of course, when I got home I yelled at Daddy for teaching him such ridiculous terminology. Oh...if you only knew some of the WEIRD, descriptive words that are used around this house. :)

In other news, my sweetie pie has her first tooth poking through. I am very relieved, as she has been waking up a WHOLE lot during the night these last few, I'm glad to know there is a reason for it. I had grown used to her sleeping from 8 pm to about 6 or 7 am every morning...but this last week she was crying every hour during the night. She could only be soothed if I picked her up and held her. I gave her some Tylenol tonight before bed in the hopes that maybe she'll sleep a little better...which means maybe I will too. :)

Does the title of this post kind of gross you out now that it's in context? :)


Katie said...

That. Is. Hilarious.

ZFam said...

wow. that was great!
...i'm still laughing!

MP said...

That really is hilarious!! And, so glad that Natalie's first tooth is coming through. I always think the extra crying should produce something!!! :) Hopefully you get some more sleep :)

Karrie said...

Oh, Ali. So funny! I hesitate to share this story with Josh because it will only give him more reason to continue teaching Will a lot of the same awful terminology you just referred to. Sometimes I can't believe my ears in our house as well!

the deKorne family said...

wow. shocking. :)

beth said...

funny!!! just wait till he is a teenager and there are others who teach him wonderful words. teething came when sin entered the world.

Anonymous said...

hysterical ali! i love it!! wish i could have been there to hear him say it!