Thursday, June 4, 2009

I never showered today...

...and that's pretty typical for my days off. In fact, I never even got out of my pajamas until about 6 pm and then it was only because I needed to run a quick errand. While I know I would LOVE being a full-time stay-at-home mom, it just isn't realistic for us for a number of of those reasons may just be that God knows that if I were to be at home, I might never be clean again. :) Working outside my home is motivation to bathe...I guess that's a good thing?!

Anyway, here are a few shots from the last few days. I tried giving Nattie some peas this week, since she was doing a decent job with the cereal. She liked them alright. I'm not doing anything overly consistent in terms of baby food yet, just testing the waters. I just like looking at her with food all over her face. :)

My little man has been LOVING the computer more and more lately...whether it's or videos of train layouts on YouTube, I've had to, on more than one occasion, tell him NO more! It really is crazy that kids as young as him can navigate their way around the Internet already. We have his sites saved as favorites, so he knows just where to click to go where he wants. :) It won't be long and I'm sure we'll be figuring out the parental controls on our computer!


the deKorne family said...

i can't believe you didn't take a shower. you are so gross.

Katie said...

I love days like that! :) Natalie is one of the few girls I know who can make peas look cute. Holden loves watching fire trucks and "diggers" on youtube. It will be nice when he can navigate on his own like Ben.