Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Days...

We spent Saturday outside...Benny did a little biking, Nattie was working on her tan (while wearing SPF50), and I was taking pictures (what's new?). Mike had a basketball commitment all day, so it was just me and my kiddos. We had fun going on a long walk, with a pit stop at Circle K, for a blue slushie and some snacks too!

Now that Mike is officially done with school we'll get to spend my day's off together, so today we took advantage of the nice weather and went on a hike in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park...the Happy Days Loop. We decided to let Ben walk and we put Nat in the big carrier...since, let's face it, she's not that tiny anymore! :) They both did great. Ben impressed us by walking 2 1/2 miles all by himself. I'm sure his little legs were worn out! It is a cool hike with lots of big rocks and nooks and crannies to explore. Mike brought his head lamp for Ben to wear when they were exploring. He LOVED it. :)
A few more of my sleepy girl and my little explorer....
Finally, I think this is the first video I've ever posted of Nattie. Here she is giggling for us. I just love my happy little baby. :)


Grammy said...

Awww...that giggle put a smile on my face! Way to go Ben for hanging in there on a 2 1/2 mile trek...he's already a true blue hiker like mom and dad!! Can't wait to see all of you in a couple weeks!

Katie said...

You guys are such fun and adventurous parents! What great memories you are creating. Natalie's giggle is so cute! It's great you captured it on film; there's nothing like a baby giggle, and they change so quickly. Glad you're having a good summer!

Abby said...

Oh, I love the video of Natalie laughing...this is the first time I've gotten to see her little personality! She's adorable and I can't wait to meet her! Glad you are having fun family days together now that Mike's off for the summer. Love you. :)

the deKorne family said...

sooo cute! we have watched the video of baby natalie somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 times. ava loves her. :) so fun that you guys get to spend days together!!

the cunningham family said...

I'm baack! :) I have loved catching up on everything going on with you and your family. I checked in often but you are so good at updating and I am not! I finally updated my blog. Bad mom I had been forever! Oh well! Your kids are so lucky to have you both as parents, you are always doing something fun! I can't believe Natalie's is adorable, it made me laugh! Hope you are enjoying your summer!