Thursday, June 11, 2009

A new extreme sport...

...couch jumping or diving or something in between. This would be Ben's new favorite thing to do. Check out the serious hang time he gets in some of these shots! He hates getting his picture taken, but he was begging me to keep snapping photos and was cracking up looking at himself in mid-air. What a wild man! I'm sure there is hardly any cushion left in our furniture at this point...oh well. Don't worry, I won't let him do this at your house. :)
Here's just the typical collage of random pictures from the last few days. Ben has made us laugh lately with some of his crazy comments (actually, making us laugh is something he does on a regular basis). He got a new b-ball shirt from Daddy the other day and walked up to me after putting it on and said..."Mom, touch my shirt. It's magical. It will change your life." Hmmm...interesting?! I then spent the next 30 minutes touching his shirt, making some kind of crazy sound, and pretending like I was turning into different people or creatures. He LOVED it. :)

Today we were running some errands and Nattie was hungry and crying in the backseat of the car. Ben said, after he had heard enough..."Can we trade her for a baby that doesn't cry so much?" :) He really does love her though...I promise. When he doesn't think we are looking I'll catch him talking to her in a sweet little voice. :)


Katie said...

Cracking up at the flying Ben pictures and his hilarious comments! "It will change your life?!" Where does he come up with some of this stuff? He sounds like such a funny little guy. :)

Ben and Erin said...

Great pictures and I always love hearing your Ben stories....they are always good. :) We are definitely anxious to meet our son and I'm definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore--not saying I'm ready for two, but definitely ready to be done with this stage. :) Less than 3 weeks. Yeah!

ZFam said...

Nice hang-time Benny-Boy!! Alexa just saw your pictures and is now trying all sorts of acrobatics to out-do your jumping shots...she's falling quite short=)