Sunday, March 21, 2010


The dictionary defines dedication as "an act or rite of dedicating to a divine being (God)" or "a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose." I think both of these definitions of dedication describe what today was all about for our family.

Today, we dedicated Natalie to the Lord and we publicly committed to daily dedicate ourselves, as her parents, to nurturing her (and Ben and the new baby) in a household that aims to keep Christ the focus. We will, inevitably, make mistakes and won't always model a Christian example...after all, we're only human...but, it's our hope that she learns to put her faith in Jesus and trust in Him, because He will NEVER fail her. We pray that as she grows, so also will her love for Him. What a blessing she is to us!

As part of the service today, the pastor had asked each of the fathers to write a letter to their child and read it aloud. I had read Mike's letter to Nattie in advance but, of course, I still cried.

Dear Natalie,

When your mom and I found out that our little "it" was going to be a baby girl, I wasn't really sure how to react. The Moser family I grew up in was so very dominated by boys, so what in the world was I going to do with a girl? Well, that was all answered clearly from the moment I laid eyes on you. I saw something familiar in that face, only to realize that you looked exactly like my own baby pictures. I truly feel that God used this to immediately develop a special bond between you and me.

As you grow, my love and affection for you also grow. I can honestly say that I've never felt more welcome when I come home from work than you make me feel. Two hands waving wildly in my direction shouting "Da da", instantly wipes out any thoughts of a rough or long day that I may have had. One thing I also believe is that you have been a personal "gift" from God, to me. I know He gave you to me so I can catch a glimpse of how He feels about me. Having you has truly made me love my Father in Heaven more than I ever have. I know you don't understand a "thank you" just yet, but I tell you now - thank you for opening my eyes a little more and strengthening my bond with my Father. I understand that right now in life you need your mom and me the most for survival, and that helps me to realize that what I need most for survival is my Father, Jesus Christ.

My hope for you is that you always keep your childlike heart. I pray that you will always approach Christ as a child would, with ultimate faith, acceptance and trust. One day I hope you too will say "I want Jesus to live in my heart", just as your older brother did a few weeks ago. There can be no greater feeling as a dad than to know that his children will live forever in God's grip, protected in eternal life with the God of the universe.

Your mom and I are dedicating you today as a way of giving thanks to God for the gift he has given to us. I pray that we will always keep Him as the focal point of our family and that we, as parents, will lead our house as He would have us. I love you with all my heart.

Love, Da da

Papa and Nana were there with us but, of course, we missed our other family and are so very grateful for the huge role each of them play in our children's lives. We, ourselves, are blessed to have parents who were dedicated to teaching us how to have a personal relationship with Christ.
Just a few other random pictures from the weekend...
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth." 3 John 4


Katie said...

Sweet family, and sweet, sweet letter. Thanks for sharing it.

Grammy said...

Sweet letter, da da! May God bless your home, marriage, and family for putting Him in the center of all of it. And bless you, sweet Nattie!!

Katie said...

What a special letter for her to cherish as she gets older. Very well written! Her little outfit was so pretty! Holden was a little over 1 when we dedicated him, too.

Abby said...

What a beautiful letter to your daughter, Mike. Brought tears to my eyes. Natalie and Ben are so blessed to have the two of you as parents! Love you guys.

the deKorne family said...


The Samsons said...

Beautiful pictures! and an amazing letter from Mike - what a wonderful keepsake from her Daddy :) definitely brought tears to my eyes too!

Nana Kim said...

"No greater joy" is exactly how I feel and "blessed beyond measure".
I love you guys. Nana

Carrie said...

how sweet!! the letter is just wonderful. thanks for sharing it!

MP said...

that was a great letter!! so awesome that she gets to keep that forever. I think there is such a great bond between a father and a daughter. And, so interesting how she got a little bit more of his genes, and Ben got a little bit more of yours. It will be very interesting to see how the genes are spread with the new baby!!