Sunday, December 19, 2010

Benny the sheep and a hodgepodge of other "stuff"...

Benny's pre-k Christmas performance was cancelled last week due to bad weather, so they had a make-up performance on Friday morning during their classroom Christmas party. They all had on their pj's for the party, but it was still so cute. They sang "Happy Birthday, Jesus" and "Friendly Beasts." They also memorized and recited Psalm 150...not an easy's pretty long!

Here is Ben, aka "the sheep", during their performance of "Friendly Beasts"...such a cute song! I love how his sheep ears are making his real ears stick out even more than normal. :)

"I," said the sheep with curly horn,"I gave Him my wool for His blanket warm; He wore my coat on Christmas morn.""I," said the sheep with curly horn.
Ben and Mrs. Capper...he really loves her. He loves Miss Murphy too, but I failed to get a picture of her this time. I am so thankful for teachers who love my kid and appreciate his silly personality. :)
Post bath photo shoot...I love jammie clad, lotion covered babies...
Happy boy snuggled in the cozy carseat cover...
1 - "Mom, save me. I'm stuck inbetween the bed and footboard again."
2 - I put Nat down for a nap the other day and after several hours, I went to check on her. She wasn't in her bed. Found her sound asleep on the floor with her bootie up in the air.
3 - Nattie has offically learned how to throw a real fit.
Dad and his little buddy...
Date night!


Christina Moser said...

Uncle Brad sleeps just like Nattie!

MP said...

i can't believe she is in a bed!! good job!! :):) I also love lotioned babies in pjs!

Abby said...

Have you tried the honey apple J&J lotion? YUM. I could eat it. Hope you and Mike had a fun date!

the deKorne family said...

so cute! did mike get that snazzy coat for his birthday?? love that butt up shot. i wonder when people stop sleeping like that. :)