Saturday, February 6, 2010

My babes...

Nattie had her one year check up on are her stats.... She is 31 inches tall (95th percentile) and 20 lbs 7 ozs (25th-50th percentile). She is getting taller and leaner. I was actually really surprised by her weight. I thought she'd weigh more. I think the fact that her head is in the 97th percentile and she has that chubby, round face makes it seem that she is bigger than she really is. :) She is chasing her brother everywhere now (bottom right picture) and becoming a great little walker. She still can't stand up without pulling up on something, but she is rarely crawling anywhere anymore. Everything and everyone is "da da" and she loves to wave and say "hi" to anyone who passes by.
Here is my crazy man. He was so hyper last night (aka over tired!). He was running circles in the family room and making his sister crack up. I just think he is so cute and looking so grown up these days. :)
Just a few photos of me and my kiddos from last night. We set the timer on the camera and hoped for the best. Daddy had a b-ball game out of town and the weather was turning bad, so we didn't end up going. It's a good thing, because we seriously have snow drifts that are taller than Ben outside.


Abby said...

You and your babes are adorable. They are both looking so grown up! I'm guessing Calvin and Natalie aren't too far apart, weight-wise. He's a beefcake. :)

MP said...

cutest pictures!! And, seriously, how do you make those cakes? They are so adorable. You have to give me tips. I want to make Cade's 3rd birthday cake. You are so crafty!!! And, good job on Natalie walking so well :):)

Katie said...

You three are so cute! I love the top picture in the timer collage. Natalie looks like she is saying, "Ta da!" :)