Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mish mosh...

I've been a lazy blogger thus far this year...maybe it's the weather...who knows? Just thought I'd post a mish mosh of pictures from the last week or so.

Yesterday, I looked out the front window to see six or seven Robins hanging out in our tree. Nattie had fun watching them until they flew away. They looked pretty perched on the frosty branches.

I love putting both of my kiddos in blue. I just like the way it makes their blue eyes sparkle. Oh... and I think there is some fashion rule about not wearing white shoes after Labor Day. Is February considered after or before Labor Day and does this rule apply to a one-year-old with a fashion challenged mom? What else would go with this outfit? Your suggestions are welcome!
Just hanging out in her carseat...
...chewing on her tennis shoe! She loves to take off her shoes and socks in the car...drives me nuts!
Oh..and a random Ben story... This morning I was getting Ben dressed and Nattie was crawling around on his bed. I wasn't paying close attention to her and she got too close to the edge and fell off (oops!). She started crying and Ben ran over to her and said, "Awww...it's ok, honey....accidents happen" and then he gave her a big ol' kiss on the forehead. He is such a sweet brother...most of the time. :)


The Thebeaus said...

Cute pics!! I used these rollers that are soft and snap together at the end. Then you snap each one to each other, so that they are all connected and can't fall out. They were sold on TV at one time, but I got them at Walgreens. Worked pretty well on the straightest hair in the world!

Courtney said...

what a beautiful and peaceful photo of the robin-love it! ben sounds like such a sweetheart...what a cute thing to say:)

beth said...

i put claire in blue all the time as well, my mother in law always commented that i get a girl and still dress her in blue. like you, i liked her blue eyes when she wore blue. miss ya.

Ben and Erin said...

I'm feeling the same way about blogging. I do enjoy seeing your new pics though. :) Both Natalie and Ben's eyes are just beautiful and I love her little blue dress/outfit. I like to put both of mine in blue too to show of their eyes. :) Cute story about Ben too. Clare says things like that to Landon and it always makes me smile. I love the dynamic of brother and sister. Have a great week!

Heather Green said...

Hmmm... judging by all the adorable pics of you and your family, I have a hard time believing you're fashion-challenged!