Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My funny little man...

Some recent comments and funny stories from Ben...

- We were watching an episode of Extreme Home Makeover last Sunday night. You know how whenever the family sees their new home and their new bedrooms they always respond with an enthusiastic "Oh my gosh!" because they are so overwhelmed and amazed at what they see. Well, my mom was in town and we had been painting and decorating Ben's new big boy bedroom last week. We had just finished that evening and he walked into his room to go to bed that night and gave us an enthusiastic "Oh my gosh!" with his hands up on his cheeks. It was TOO funny! He says it ALL the time now about anything and everything!

- Ben has learned some random words in other languages from shows like Diego and Dora, etc. Well, the other day we were talking about how to say goodbye or farewell in several languages, so I had him saying "Arrivederci" with his best Italian accent...mostly for laughs...don't worry, I'm not teaching him multiple languages or anything...I'm not that good! HA! Anyway, the following morning I was leaving for work, and I said goodbye to him and gave him a kiss and he said "Arrivederci, Mommy!" :)

- Mike, Ben and I were driving somewhere in the car last weekend just having a nice little chat. I can't even remember what we were talking about, but Ben chimed in from the backseat with a "You can't be serious?!" :)

- Since Ben turned three, he has definitely been asserting himself more. Well, lately, when he gets good and mad about something he will sternly tell me "If you do that one more time, I will have to spank your booty!" I can't imagine where he has heard this?! :)

- Recently, when his Granny (Mike's mom's mom) was watching him, he asked her, in reference to her belly..."Are you having a baby like my Mommy?" She politely responded letting him know that she just has an "old granny belly" and that there was no baby inside!!! I gotta be honest, I'm glad it was her and not some stranger!

- Ben has really been noticing the differences between girl stuff and boy stuff since we found out we were having a girl. On several occasions he has seen commercials for girl items, such as Barbies or Princess things and has said to me "I would like to buy that for my sister." :) :) (He also seems to think that the baby is going to come out of my leg?! Not sure where he got that idea or how that would acutally work....but somehow it sounds more appealing than reality!)

- As you know, we've been working hard on potty training for awhile now. He has made great strides, but STILL has not mastered the pooping part (I'm at a only thought at this point is that I can't imagine he will be pooping his pants when he's in high school, so eventually it will work itself out...right?). Anyway, recently we caught him flushing his undies and jogging pants DOWN the toliet. Unfortunately we were too late to catch him before he flushed the undies, but we did witness him pulling his jogging pants out of the toliet. When asked why he did this he said they were "dirty." Did he think the toliet was the washing machine or what? What a NUT!!!!

- Finally, he has recently developed a love for all things cowboy related. When asked what he wanted to be for Halloween, he said "John Wayne!" Nice! He and his Dad have enjoyed some time together watching John Wayne movies and he REALLY watches them...even the boring parts. I don't get it. We purchased a cowboy costume for him at Children's Place. Now we just need some boots and he'll be ready to go!

Just have one picture I thought I'd throw in here. It really doesn't align with all of the nutty stuff I've mentioned above, but oh well. Here he is very focused on some "monster truck" game he and Daddy were playing on the computer this evening. I just love his little profile. :)


Katie said...

Hysterical! I love hearing all of his funny comments, and the connections he is making to things. I just can't wait for that with Holden! I am DYING that he is John Wayne for Halloween! What a funny little guy!

Anonymous said...

He has the best little profile ever. I agree with you, Mommy.

Abby said...

Spank your booty...hmm. I wonder where he could have heard that? Totally perplexing. :)

He's adorable. Don't you wish the baby could somehow magically come out of your leg?

Love you!

MP said...

he is adorable! I am sure that it is hard for you to keep a straight face when he says thing. They are totally sponges at that age. I can't wait!

Good luck with the potty training..I did read somewhere that boys take alot longer than girls! Something I am not looking forward to!

Ben and Erin said...

These stories are so funny. Ben has such a wonderful personality and is such a cutie! I love hearing all the little comments and explanations he comes up with for things. What a kid! :)

Anonymous said...

He is close to the truth with the leg thing, Ali. Ask your Mom about when she was pg. with you and Matthew's comments about her stretching exercises for that "special place between the toes"! down the the toes...let's hope Louise is tiny!

Abby said...

I love all your Ben stories! I really wish I would remember to write down Ash & Mac's funny stuff.
I LOVE that you talk about spanking his booty! We always call it "booty" too and so many other parents refer to it as "bum", "bottom", "rear" or any other more G-rated term. :)

Anonymous said...

Ali reading the part about Ben flushing items down the toilet, reminded me of when you were little and I was babysitting you at my apartment on the 3rd floor. You flushed a whole roll of toilet paper down my toilet...flooding the two apartments below me!!! Tell Ben about that!

the cunningham family said...

I love hearing other 3 year old stories. Colin says the funniest things too. Plus, that child remembers everything, which can sometimes be a good thing...or not! :) I love when kids put things together and make the connections, they are slowly evolving into little people right before our eyes...where did the time go??? I also WISH you could have the baby out of your leg - life would be so much easier! :)