Monday, September 21, 2009

Bubbles and a trip to the car dealership...

I like for the titles of my blog posts to draw the reader in ( I don't really think THAT hard about them)...unfortunately, once you actually read the post you are likely no longer interested...sorry about that. I think that might be the case with this thrilling post. :)

Nattie was so cute tonight in the bathtub surrounded by bubbles. She was giggling up a storm and having a blast splashing around.

Yesterday, Benny and I had fun playing "car dealership" in the basement. I think I've posted on this before, but he loves it. All the Little People characters and animals are the customers. He lines up all of this small vehicles in a row and they come and purchase the vehicle of their choice. Yesterday, Pooh just happened to be the owner of the dealership. We named it the Hundred Acre Wood Car Dealership and there wasn't an unhappy customer in the bunch! He even sold a school bus and a combine...very impressive! :)


Katie said...

That is the best picture ever with Natalie in the bubbles. LOVE it.

the deKorne family said...

She looks like a lion with bubbles :)--so precious! I can just see you putting those all over her head. :) I bought that bubble bath becasue of you, so yummy.

Abby said...

She looks like a snow baby in that picture! I don't even know if that's the correct name, but I feel like there are collectible figurines of babies in snowsuits that totally remind me of that bubble picture. Kind of like precious moments or those Hubbel thingamajigs. Anyway, random. She's so cute!

Katie said...

You need to frame that picture of her surrounded by bubbles! So fun! I love the car dealership idea. What is it with little boys lining up cars/vehicles? Holden will do this with Matchbox cars, his big garage vehicles, etc.

Grammy said...

Funny, but when I saw those pictures, I immediately thought of snow babies (that is what they are called, Abby!) She looks just like one in the middle adorable!

Jim, Abby, Jacob, and Bryce Stewart said...

Love the bubbles and Ben's wonderwoman story. You guys have the cutest family on the block. Hope all is well with you guys -

Ben and Erin said...

I love this post. I'm really enjoying Clare's imagination these days too. I love when she's got a whole game going on with her little people and I get invited in. I have to do just what she tells me with my people. :) I know Ben has a great imagination! The pictures of Natalie in the bath are so precious. Both Ben and Natalie have such adorable smiles--such cutie pies! Also, I totally agree with you about Landon and Clare. He does really resemble her, except with much chubbier cheeks! :) I need to do a post with pictures of both of them at the same age...