Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Silliness and Sitting Up

Ben notices everything and pays attention to so much more than I realize. He is constantly repeating things he has overheard from us or seen on television. He is even getting better and better about using what he's learning in the right context. It's always funny when he makes a mistake though. Like the other day when he told Mike he was illiterate???! :) Anyway, I just wanted to share a couple of recent examples of his funny little brain at work...

Wonder Hangers... This week Ben, Nattie and I were up in her bedroom and he noticed some plastic hangers sticking out of the trash can in her room. He said, "Mom, are those Wonder Hangers?" I was thinking..."What the heck is a Wonder Hanger?" He then proceeded to tell me all the uses for a Wonder Hanger and also informed me that they come with Bend A Hangers and a cool light for your closet. He told me that the Bend A Hangers bend different directions to hold your clothes. I went downstairs and did a quick Google search on the Wonder Hanger to find THIS. I laughed outloud at the level of detail he used in describing this entire infomercial. What would possess a four-year-old to sit through an entire informercial about some goofy hangers?

Power to the People... We were all in the car the other day when Ben blurted from the backseat..."Power to the people!" We started laughing and asked him where he had heard that. He said, "You know, that one commercial. The one about health insurance." We racked our brains for a little while and finally figured out what he was talking here. Ok, so it's NOT health insurance...but he did pick up on the insurance part and WHERE did he hear about health insurance anyway??

Here he is putting together a puzzle this week. He has always loved puzzles, but has recently been into the more challenging ones. He doesn't need my help anymore either. He sorts all the straights into a pile first and goes from there.

In Nattie news, she is getting really good at sitting up with no support. I can hardly believe she will be six months old in just a few days! She still shows little interest in rolling over though...hasn't rolled either direction yet. I guess she'll do it when she's ready, right? Here's the happy girl...


Grammy said...

Okay, that kid is nuts!! Bend A Hangers?! And the light, too!! He absorbs some of the craziest stuff! How funny that he just blurts out whatever...Power to the People! He makes me laugh!

MP said...

He has the best imagination!! And..a great memory. I barely remember commercials! Natalie is so cute. I can't believe she is getting so old. I love the new pictures at the top of your webpage, they are great!!

Katie said...

I am still chuckling at Ben's latest comments. He is the funniest kid! By the way, when I clicked on the "Wonder Hangers," I got a popup invitation from a "live consultant" who wanted to talk to me about them. Hilarious! I can't believe Natalie will be 6 months old already. She is such a pretty little girl.

beth said...

ben you will make a great state farm agent someday like your pops and if not that you could always sell hangers. miss you. how to nat get to be half a year old already?

Abby said...

That is too funny! I love Ben stories. And so excited to see Nattie sitting up. What a big girl...I cannot wait to see her, and you!

the deKorne family said...

ok, did your cousin take those pictures at the top?? so gorgeous! look at that big girl sitting up! see, she just doesn't feel like doing the rest. she's a rockstar. so cute, and love the ben stories. :)

the cunningham family said...

I love hearing stories from a 4 year old. Colin does the same thing and it cracks us up! They pick up so many things and use them in the correct context. It's like they are little people instead of kids. Hilarious about the bend a hangers, I've never heard of them! Natalie is such a cutie. Can't believe she will be 6 months soon. Wow, time flies!

The Sommermeyers said...

What a funny kid! Your kids are beautiful and I love the pics at the top of your page!!